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- Short: Renders and plays TB-303 bassline loops
- Author: jes303@xs4all.nl (Jeroen Schellekens)
- Uploader: mjk303@xs4all.nl (Marinus J.Kuivenhoven)
- Type: mus/edit
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 303tracker version 0.11 (15-10-98) 2nd release by Jeroen Schellekens
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What is 303tracker?
- -------------------
- 303tracker is a program to calculate and play TB-303 bassline loops to
- create for example acid, techno triphop or anything. You can use
- 303tracker as a render-program to create bassline loops and use
- them in music-sequencers like Octamed Soundstudio. 303tracker has a very
- easy graphical user interface which lets the user create a track in several
- ways. Samples can be saved in 8 bit and 16 bit format IFF-8SVX and AIFF in
- 22.05 kHz to 44.1 kHz or can be dumped via Midi Sample Dump to your 16bit
- external MIDI sampler.
- 303tracker is continuously being updated and expanded to grow to a full
- editing program. Every 4 weeks a new version will be released on Aminet
- and on the 303tracker pages (see below: Distribution).
- This version 0.11 (15-10-98) 2nd release
- ----------------------------------------
- - Loading IFF-3TR0, official 303tracker fileformat now supported
- - Midi Sample Dump support (open and closed loop):
- Send your rendered basslines to your Midi Sampler (eg. Akai S2000 or a
- Yamaha TX16W) by one hit on the button! Supports 16 bits samples
- at rate 44.1 kHz at the moment
- - Added ARexx scripts to export immediately to Octamed SStudio
- - Added a great 'Setup' installation program for 303tracker
- - Configuration now editable and active (still need to edit in texteditor!)
- - 303engine slightly updated
- - More-menu: Extra buttons on top of screen for quick 'n easy editing
- - Re-ordered interface, menu and buttons
- - Fixed stupidity about 'Ram:T/303temp', now creates 303temp in T:
- - Sample-play window updated (playback sample now until end)
- - Added some edit-functions
- - Disabled all non-functioning buttons and menu-items to avoid confusion
- - Excluded irrelivant Guides which contained nonsense in V0.1
- Requirements
- ------------
- Amiga with:
- - PAL support & monitor (50 Hz vertical, 15.625 kHz horizontal refreshrate)
- - 1 Mb Chip Ram or more
- - 4 Mb Fast Ram or more
- - Harddrive with at least 4 mb free space
- - 68030 with fpu or higher strongly recommended
- Installation
- ------------
- - 303tracker can be installed with the included Installer-program.
- - To install manually, copy the whole 303tracker-directory to the place on
- your harddrive you want.
- - Then run 303tracker to start playing.
- History versions
- ----------------
- V0.1 (16-09-98) 1st Aminet release
- - 303 pattern-editor in tracker style
- - Render 303 basslines in 16 bit 44 kHz
- - Save rendered bassline as an 8 bit 22kHz Iff or 16 bit 44 kHz Aiff sample
- - Load/save song disabled
- Future versions & plans
- -----------------------
- There will be a new version released about every one or two weeks on Aminet
- and our own homepages for free. See distribution for adresses and URL's.
- The most common things 303tracker lacks which will be available in future:
- - Drum-machine: render rhythm-patterns with analog percussion modelling
- - Realtime output
- - Effects: distortion, reverb, delay, chorus, vinyl and more
- - Wacky Filter Factory: graphical filter-sweep-envelope editor
- - Mixer: eq (lo band and hi band), volume level, mix with sample
- - Full ARexx support
- - Midi control
- - External custom hardware control
- - Import of different file-formats
- - Online help support in hypertext
- - Different languages-support
- - NTSC support
- Distribution
- ------------
- For now, 303tracker is - kind-of - FREEWARE.
- In future it may be possible that 303tracker will be split in a limited
- FREEWARE version which lacks some features and a COMMERCIAL version which
- will have all features bundled in a package with disks or cd and a manual.
- You can download the FREEWARE version 0.11 from these locations:
- 303tracker-pages: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jes303 (ONLINE FROM NOW ON!)
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~mjk303 (ONLINE FROM NOW ON!)
- http://www.dutch.nl/net/303tracker (not online yet)
- Aminet: /mus/edit/303tracker.lha
- Contact
- -------
- If you have problems, questions, found bugs or have suggestions then email
- me at jes303@xs4all.nl. Please fill the 'Subject' with one of the following:
- '303tracker Problems'
- '303tracker Questions'
- '303tracker Suggestions'
- '303tracker Bugs'
- 303tracker is developed with and tested on:
- -------------------------------------------
- - Amiga 1200 with Blizzard 50 Mhz 68030 withOUT FPU, 32mb Ram, Harddrive
- - PAL Monitor, Philips CM 8833
- - MIDI Interface
- - Yamaha TX16W Digital Wave Sampler (MIDI dumping etc.)
- - Roland TB-303 Bassline
- - Aura12 PCMCIA Sampler